Monday, January 02, 2012

Screaming Children

You live and you learn I guess. We bought a townhouse in May 2010, because we bought it during the tax credit we cannot sale it or rent it for 3 years. I think when May 2013 gets here we will be looking elsewhere. Hopefully by then the housing market has changed a bit and selling won't be as hard. Atleast we were smart enough to buy a corner unit. That makes it slightly easier to sell. Right now I am listening to one of my neighbors kids screaming outside. I don't think I would mind as much as long as there was something separating us and them. I literally can't even go outside to walk the dogs without some screaming children running up to me. It's not that I hate kids because I don't. It's just that the parents act like my dogs might eat their children alive when all they really want to do is play. Nymeria pulls me as hard as she can and Freyja barks. Freyja barks some out of protection. She is a very good house protector. But when you live somewhere like we do, having a barking dog isn't so great. But right now I am trying to figure out what the different is of me outside with my dog barking or my neighbors outside with their kids screaming? I honestly don't see much difference.

Well 2012 is officially here. I didn't make any resolutions. I never do. Because I have a hard time sticking to anything. I am, however, trying to do the 365 photo project again. I am mostly using my cell phone for the pictures. I hope I can keep up. I usually only make it 6 months in and then something throws me off. I also want to do the Selfie Saturday photo. One photo of myself every Saturday. Doesn't sound to hard does it? It's harder than you think.

Also, I am going to start updating my blog. Since I have friends also using their blogs it will make it easier to stick to. Along with reading ever night, photography and SLEEP I will use this as a tool to relieve stress. Less stress, maybe that should be my goal?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Secret Santa Day 1

Today was day one of secret santa at work. My gift was a Pepsi, some pop tarts and a dog bone for the dogs. They will have fun fighting over that I am sure. It will be destroyed in ten minutes flat.

There is going to be TONS of bad eating the next two weeks but I am going to do it. After Christmas things are going to change. I am going to go back on my "diet" for my gallbladder. I can't even begin to describe how much better I felt and how I was losing weight on it. I wish I could remember now exactly what made me fall off of it. Dropping the soda is the hardest part for me. I crave it more than anything.

I'm ready to go home and go to bed. Three hours and 15 more minutes at work.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Lunch at Work

We had our annual Christmas Dinner today. It's basically the same thing I will be eating a week and a half from now at my Mom's except that will be much better. I can't wait. I can't wait to be home in the mountains and being around my family. The gifts are just a bonus.

Oh Look! Another Year Passed!

I will get better at this. I will update. I will.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I take year long breaks

This has happened two times before, I have taken a year long break away from this blog only to come back. I guess it's a good thing everything here saves even if you are gone for awhile.

Things haven't changed much. We bought a house about 7 months ago, but other than that everything is the same. Owning the home is great, having more room is great, 40 minute commute to work is not so great, knowing that I am 100% stuck in North Carolina for atleast 2 years and 5 months is not so great.....but it works.

I've been skyping with family back home in West Virginia, that also
is bittersweet. I love the fact that skyping makes me feel like I am right there and that there isn't so much distance between us but it also makes me homesick sometimes. This past weekend my sister-in-law Heather celebrated her 21st birthday at my Mom's house and I sky
ped with them for about 2 hours so it kinda felt like I was right there. I got to watch her blow out candles, cut her cake, open gifts and chat with everyone. I really have no idea why I didn't do this sooner!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away.

I absolutely adore the rain, but I would love to be able to go out tomorrow and practice with the camera some more. I feel like there is so much to learn and that I don't have enough time to do so. Its not like I am going to be a professional photographer tomorrow, although it would be nice! Brian and I went out last weekend to William B. Umstead state park to hike the Company Mill Trail. It ended up being a 4 mile hike, but it was really nice, very pretty and there were alot of neat things to take pictures of. And I was able to get some practice in. I am slowly learning the settings. I don't have to ask Brian now every time I need to change something. Sadly he read the manual and has a friend at work who gives him tips and he knows quite a bit more than me. Its funny, but since getting the new camera he is almost just as interested as I am about photography now. Its a nice hobby for us to share. Anyways I wanted to post a few pictures from the hike this weekend. The first is one of the little frogs we found hopping across the trail, the second is a picture of some of the trail, the third is a pictures of the creek that runs along some of the trail and the 4th is a picture of a strange mushroom/fungus we found. I have no idea what it is.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A storm rolls in and babies being born.

Thanks to Hurricane Bill, storm clouds rolled into this area yesterday. They were so beautiful. I'd give almost anything to live in a place where it stormed frequently. I unfortunately didn't have any of my camera's with me but Brian had his iphone and so I used that to take pictures with. They turned out pretty well. iphones do pretty nice pictures considering they are cell phones.!! The storm didn't last nearly long enough. We were inside of Petsmart when it started raining I was holding the most adorable orange male kitten. He was so lovable. And no, I didn't bring him home. I am guessing since we live in a apartment that two cats is enough for now.

In other news Alicia had her baby on August 20th! Ava Belle. I talked to her hours after the birth and would have never known she had just had a baby. She was very alert, not tired, excited, happy. It was nice. This is something she has been wanting for many years now and its great that she finally got it. Little Ava is definitely going to have Alicia's nose and looks like her lips too. She has dark hair now but I am thinking it will change a little as she gets older. So congrats to her and Bill on their growing family!! I can't wait to meet her on Labor Day weekend.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


We arrived at Amos' Southend in Charlotte, NC at around 3:15 yesterday. After waiting in line for about a hour and 15 minutes we got to go into the meet and greet with the band. It seemed to happen so fast, but it was still memorable. I wish I could have been a little less nervous. I had the t-shirt on that I made that I posted about previously. J. Loren (the lead singer) walked right up to see and said "Let me see." and then grabbed my shirt and was looking at it and them immediately asked "Can I sign it?". I can't tell you how I managed to get the word yes out, but I did. Now I can never wash that shirt and I plan on actually framing it. They gave all of us posters and then signed them for us. It was such an amazing opportunity. Something I will never forget. After the meet and greet we went back outside where we waited in line for 2 more hours before being let into the venue for the show. Hurt played last so we watched Tunnels of Holland, Adelita's Way and Sick Puppies. But I was barely paying attention to the other bands because I was so excited and anxious to see Hurt perform. Sick Puppies however was very entertaining. Eventually the first three bands had played their set and I could feel myself getting more and more excited as I watched the stage being set up for Hurt. What an amazing performance, from beginning to end. I only wish they would have played more. We have been to alot of shows this summer, all of which I have blogged about. Cold, Nin Inch Nails, Tool, Tori Amos. And still I think that Hurt did the best job. The band members are so incredibly nice and down to earth. And you can tell through the entire performance that J. Loren really appreciates his fan. Watching him smile from time to time at the crowd would warm my heart. He even went out into the crowd for a bit, standing on the barrier between the stage and the fans. The fans were holding on to his legs while he never missed a beat while he was singing. He let one lucky fan sing a few lyrics to one of his songs. I had actually spoke to this guy outside, he had seen me go into the meet and greet and was asking me if I knew anything about the setlist. And he told me it was the first time he had ever seen them live. So I know for him that was a very memorable moment in his life. One he won't soon forget. I have a video of one full length song, my favorite song, Danse Russe. I will post it here. I hope you enjoy it. Hurt is such an amazing band, everyone should give them a listen!!

All pictures from the show!!!!

Hurt's Official Website

Hurt's myspace page

Danse Russe by HURT live at Amos' Southend in Charlotte, NC.

Friday, August 14, 2009

I'm going to meet HURT tomorrow!!!

Tomorrow is the last scheduled concert we have to go to this summer. Its kind of sad. Its been a really good summer for concerts. Thats for sure. In the last year I have went to more shows than I had in my life prior. They've all been amazing, Smashing Pumpkins, Cold, The Killer and The Star, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Tori Amos....but even with all those big names the one I have been looking most forward to since I was able to get the tickets is HURT! I cannot wait to see them live tomorrow. I have been continuously listening to their three albums, Vol. One, Vol. II and Goodbye To The Machine for the last two weeks. I think it would be safe to say that I know every song on those albums pretty well now. I will be happy to see any of them performed but there are a few I am hoping to hear above the rest. Such as Danse Russe, Rapture, Assurance, Dreams Away. Also, I joined their street team about 6 months ago or so and for the month of August they chose 5 street team members per performance to meet them before the show. I am one of the lucky few. Luck didn't have much to do with it seeing as how only four of us RSVPed for the show. But none-the-less I am so excited and just a little bit nervous. I have never had a one on one meeting with anyone famous before. Hopefully I don't say or do anything too stupid. But then again, that would be classic for me. I didn't have a HURT t-shirt and the only way for me to get one is to buy one at the show, so I made one for the street team. I will be wearing it tomorrow. Its been hanging in my closet for a week. Its the first time I did anything like this so there are a few mistakes, but I think it turned out pretty good considering. It you aren't listening to HURT yet you seriously need to be! They are amazing!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Why must the weekend always come to a end??

This weekend has been pretty nice. And alot better than last weekend since I spent most of it sick. We didn't really do much , stayed inside since it was close to 100 all weekend. I really hate the heat. HATE IT. I'd love to live somewhere much cooler than this. I keep saying Alaska, but everyone thinks I'm crazy and that I would change my mind once I got there. I think they are wrong.

I went to Border's today and bought a bunch of reference books on birds, plants and butterflies/moths like a big geek. I actually got them so I can easily identify the things I take pictures of. I think in a few weeks I will buy the one on spiders and other insects. But I only wanted to spend so much money on the books. Anyways, they are really helpful. Already identified several things on my flickr page.

Work tomorrow. Not looking forward to it. Atleast I get to see HURT on Saturday. I am so excited. I just got the email last week that confirmed I get to meet them before the show. AND I get to bring the Canon Rebel! I can't wait!!!

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Its been a rough 3 days!

As I posted before we went to see Tool on July 29th. I had originally taken the day off of work on the 30th, knowing we wouldn't be home until the wee hours of the morning and that I would be exhausted afterward. I had planned to go into work for a few hours on Thursday evening. But on Thursday evening I started feeling very ill. I thought it was from the leftover lasagna I ate. I pretty much laid in bed the rest of the day and night. I got up Friday morning still feeling bad but knew that calling in was not a option. So I went to work all the while knowing I wasn't going to make it the whole day. I managed to work 3 hours before going home. And then I came home and slept for four hours. I still didn't feel great when I got up and thought I was going to have to skip seeing Tori Amos last night. But about 6pm I started feeling somewhat better, not like I was dying anymore. And decided I better go, who knows when I might get the chance to see her again. And I made it through the whole show and only feel somewhat bad today. My stomach still pretty much hates me but my mind is grateful for the amazing performance that was Tori Amos last night. She is so amazing. I knew she was talented but I had no idea how talented until last night. GREAT SHOW! Also her opening band was called One Eskimo. They were really really good. They are from England and I highly suggest you give them a listen. I don't think you will be disappointed!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


We went to see Tool last night, it was the first time that Brian and I had ever seen them. It was absolutely amazing. And one of the first shows that I have left without a headache. Of all the concerts I have been to this one was definitely the best visually. The lasers, lights, screens behind the band and on the walls were just amazing!! Sadly cameras were not allowed in, I thought about sneaking one in but I'm glad I changed my mind because they had metal detectors at the door and I would have never made it through with the camera. Even as well concealed as I would have had it. Oh well, I have the memories in my head and one small cell phone picture!

Monday, July 27, 2009

One day I will get the hang of this.

I used to be really anal about updating my online journals and blogs. In fact I have had a livejournal account since 2003 and I have updated several times a week since first opening the account. Back then you could only have a livejournal account by someone sending you a invite or by paying for it. Now its free and anyone can have one. But lately I am lucky if I update it once a month. I have an xanga account to, but rarely ever update it. And then there is this. Probably my favorite of the three but I can't convince others to create accounts here. Anyways, I have been practicing with the new camera some. Trying to go out on the weekends and just take a bunch of pictures. I am slowly (very slowly) learning what to do and what not to do. I'm very impatient by nature and so that makes it frustrating sometimes. A guy that Brian works with who does some photography on the side wants us to go out with him sometime and he is going to teach me some things. Should be fun. I love doing stuff like that! Anyways, the pictures I have posted with this entry are from the NC Museum of Art, they have 164 acres with trails and all kinds of sculptures. I want to explore it all but it was just WAY too hot yesterday to do that!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Congratulations Todd and Heather!!

This past weekend my brother Todd got married. And since I now have a professional camera I got to be their photographer. I would have been even without the new camera, but it sure helped things. I had a fun time and think I did ok considering this was my first time shooting a wedding, first time shooting people with the new camera period. And also only my 2nd venture out to play with since buying it. It was only a small wedding, so having me instead of someone that actually paid wasn't so bad. I am happy for them and I wish them many many many years of happiness!!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Country Roads

We went in to WV this weekend to visit our families. It was a very rushed trip because at first we had decided we were not going in. Then we decided we were. So we weren't even in WV for a full 48 hours. haha. But it was nice to get to visit with everyone and I got to meet a bunch of people in Brian's family and may possibly be going to Florida to visit them again in November. I have never been farther south than Myrtle Beach, so that would be something new for me. But I was happy to see my mom and take a ride in my step-dad's $250 1976 Chevy truck, which I renamed The Redneck Truck Ride. We took it down what was a man made path through the woods, not suitable for the truck at speeds that were not suitable for the path. It was kind of scary, but I survived and now have one more redneck tale from the woods to share. haha. And in other big news we bought a new camera on Sunday. I don't have any pictures from it yet to share. But we got a Canon Rebel XSi! I am so so so excited to go play with it this weekend. You have no idea what having a professional camera means to me.

Monday, June 29, 2009

R.I.P Pepper

My mom's black lab, Pepper, has been really sick for a few weeks. Throwing up and just laying around. She stayed several days at their local vet, they couldn't find anything wrong with her, gave her meds and sent her home. She was home for maybe 2 days and started throwing up again. My mom said six times in one day. She took her back to their local vet and they wanted to keep her overnight again. Her pancreas was running a temperature of 105.6. They called my mom and told her they were sending her to the Veterinary college in VA because they couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. She was there over night on Saturday night. They called my mom about 3pm yesterday and told her that she had kidney failure and there was nothing that they would be able to do for her. So in the end it was decided to just put her to sleep rather than make her suffer. Then the doctor asked my mom if they could do a autopsy to see exactly what caused the kidney failure. The doctor thinks it was either from Lymes Disease (which she would have got from ticks) or possibly from drinking stagnate(sp?) water. So in the meantime mom is also having the water tested at their farm. Because if it was in the water humans can suffer from it too. The college isn't going to charge her for the autopsy since it will be a learning experience for the school and students. Its really sad though she had had Pepper for about 5+ years. And my mom and step-dad went absolutely no where without the dog and my mom also used Pepper as her running partner. She was crying yesterday telling me she probably wouldn't get another one because she didn't want to go through this again. And it was funny how you got so attached to a animal. But then she said Gary said having Pepper around was good protection and he thought they would get another one. I mean not replace Pepper, but I see no reason in not getting another dog. Especially if they decide to get one from the animal shelter. Saving another life would be worth it. Its going to be really strange going to their house this weekend and Pepper not being there. Sad. I really hate it for my mom. I know what it feels like to lose a animal. Especially to a disease. So is a picture of me and Pepper about 4 years ago. She was such a great dog. We will miss you Pepper!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

NIN was so amazing!!!!

I crossed something off of my "things to do before I die" list. I actually have several concerts on that list and I will be marking atleast three of those things off by the end of next month. As everyone knows I went to see Nine Inch Nails live in concert on Friday night. It was my first time ever actually seeing Trent Reznor live in the 13+ years that I have been a fan of him. It was so amazing! Everything I thought it would be and more. I think my favorite parts of the show was listening to everyone singing along with Hurt and Head Like A Hole. The crowd was singing both of those songs so loud you could barely hear Trent through the speakers. It was so awesome!!!! And to think that may have quite possibly been my last chance to see him live. This was his "Wave Goodbye" tour and he is supposedly going to be done after this. I personally think he will still release little albums here and there for free download and all that. But he may be done with touring live. Which I honestly don't blame him. He has had a good run, lots of fan, if he wants to quit that and just live his life then I say so be it! I am still in awe of seeing him live! I loved it!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee

Anyone who knows me knows that I hate bees!! I am absolutely terrified of them. I always have been and I guess at this point always be. But today Brian took me to Historic Yates Mill County Park, after I found it online, to take some pictures. I have a bunch on my flickr page for those that can view that. But this picture with the bumble bee and the purple flower is probably one of my favorites from the day. He cooperated with me much better than the butterflies did. The park its self was not really huge or anything, but it was really nice. And out of all the places I have been around here so far it was the closest thing to resemble something from West Virginia. Especially considering it was kind of cool outside today instead of being in the 90s. All is all it was a nice time and I am happy to have some new pictures to share!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Slacking with the updates!

I'm fully back to the real world now that vacation is done and over with. Its a depressing feeling. But I do have alot of things to look forward to. On June 12th I will be seeing Nine Inch Nails live, so so so excited. I have only waited for 13 years!!! And then on July 29th I will be seeing Tool live, also a big event. Tool is Brian's favorite band but I really like them too. Scott is coming with us so that should be a lot of fun. I really hope I will be able to bring my camera in! And then hopefully (will know next Friday) I will be seeing Tori Amos on July 31st. The only way I won't be going is if the tickets sell out in the first hour or something. That sounds outlandish maybe. But we got our tickets for Tool in the first 30 minutes of them being on sale and half the arena was already sold out. And I checked a little early today, 24 hours after they went on sale, and the entire arena is almost sold out!! Wow. I am excited about all the live music!

This evening Brian and I sat out on the back deck watching the sunset. I must have taken like 40 photos of it. It just kept changing and getting better and better. So this is one of the pictures I really liked. I cannot believe how many amazing sunsets I get to watch from our back deck. Its so nice.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Congratulations are in order!

They haven't really told anyone yet or atleast they have not posted it on their myspace or facebook pages which is the way most of the world shares news these days. But I am going to make them a public post here anyways. As of Monday my brother Todd and his girlfriend Heather are engaged. And actually planning to get married sometime this summer. His proposal was not what I expected from my little brother. But apparently he had had the ring for some time. Picked it out himself and everything. Anyways he got a dozen roses and lined them down the hallway from their bedroom. Heather was sleeping. And then he called Heather to come out there. When Heather came out and walked down the hallway them my brother was waiting at the end and asked her. They were talking about getting married this summer while we were at the beach, but I had no idea he had already gotten her a ring. But anyways....he did. And right now they are looking at July 18th. I guess I need to get ready for that.